Vietnam Tax Compliance Map

Vietnam Tax Compliance Map

Contact us by WeChat or Skype or WhatsApp in the day-work-time of Vietnam  (GMT+8)
The Engaging Manager from Headquarter
Ms. Judy Wang, CPA(Taiwan) Speaks both English and Vietnamese.
WeChat: Judy_Evershine
skype: Judy Wang

GLA – Vietnam Corporate Income Tax

GLA-VN-01 GLA Tax Entity

Question from client:
Is Vietnam corporate income tax a central income tax? A province income tax? Or is there a Central and province income tax?

What if the central income tax and the province income tax are levied separately or levied together?
What is the standard tax rate? What is the special tax rate?

Answer from Evershine RD:
There are no local, state, or provincial income taxes in Vietnam. All taxes are imposed at the Central level.
Vietnam has tax regime ranked as Tax laws, Tax Decrees and Tax Circulars.
Tax laws are the most superior legal authority. They are issued by the National Assembly.
In addition to the tax laws and regulations, there are official letters and correspondences as guidance on the interpretation and application of tax laws and regulations.
In practice, the provincial authorities and taxpayers in Vietnam have normally complied with and followed those official letters and correspondences.
Vietnam’s standard corporate tax rate is 20%.

GLA-VN-02 Registration

Question from client:
Which government unit is responsible for the collection of Vietnam corporate income tax?

The registration of the country’s corporate income tax status, that is, the tax certificate number application procedure, paper certificate number application? Or online account application? URL?
What is the advance certificate number for applying for this certificate number?
Do I need to use the industrial and commercial certificate electronic card to apply?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Corporate income tax is governed by General Department of Taxation. Visit GDT website at .
Fill up the form No. 01-DK-TCT: Tax registration declaration for organizations.
Tax registration dossier can submit directly at the tax office or by post to the tax office.
“Certificate of tax registration” form No. 10-MST issued together with this Circular shall be issued by tax authorities to organizations.

GLA-VN-03 GLA Order (OD)

Question from client:
What is the order of Vietnam corporate income tax return (information flow determines tax base) and payment (fund flow)?

Pay first and then declare? Report first and then pays? At the same time as the declaration and payment?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Deposit first (DF). Pay tax instalment and declare later.

GLA-VN-04 Mechanism of Filing (MOF)

Question from client:
What is the return method for Vietnam corporate income tax return (information flow determines the tax base)?

Filing cycle: monthly? Every bimonthly? Every season? every half year? Per year?
Electronic filing? Manual filing? Electronic filing and manual filing coexist? If electronic filing is possible: website URL?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Companies are not required to submit the quarterly CIT declaration returns; however, provisional payments are still compulsory and will be calculated and settled based on best estimation.
Filing deadline for annual return (CIT finalization), along with tax payments, no later than the last day of the third month following the end of the calendar or fiscal year.
Companies can declare their tax dossiers on paper or electronically. However, to carry out the electronic tax declaration, the enterprise must register with its relevant tax office.
Companies can also submit corporate income tax declaration dossiers to tax agencies directly managing them.

GLA-VN-05 Mechanism of Payment (MOP)

Question from client:
What is the funding method for Vietnam corporate income tax payment (funds flow)?
Payment cycle: M per month? B every bimonthly? Q every season? H every six months? A every year?
Automatically authorize deduction of ACH (that is, take the initiative of the recipient)?
Electronic remittance to EFT (that is, the payer takes the initiative)?
Bank counter payment OCT?
Or the above methods coexist?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Companies are required to make quarterly provisional tax payments by the 30th of the next quarter.
Final tax payment must be made no later than the deadline for submitting the annual tax return.
Provisional tax paid in the first three quarters of the year must total at least 75% of the final tax liability.
Electronic tax payment is a service that allows taxpayers to make electronic money payment slip (GNT) into the State Budget directly on the portal of the Tax Authority and certified by the Commercial Bank.
The General Department of Taxation has coordinated with most banks to provide electronic tax payment services.
Companies must have a digital certificate issued by the public digital signature certification service, internet network and having email address with which to contact the tax agency.

To register for online tax payment, go to -> Business -> Login.
Then select the item “Pay taxes” -> Get payment slip” -> Select “Bank” -> Make an electronic tax payment slip.
After all information fill up completely, click submit -> End. Approve payment slip -> Select the correct tax payment slip you want to pay, Display -> Sign and submit -> Enter PIN.
Lastly, the electronic tax has been paid.
Over-the-counter bank payments are no longer accepted, except in the case of internet failure.

VAT – Vietnam VAT

VAT-VN-01 VAT Tax Entity

Question from client:
Is Vietnam VAT a central VAT? Province VAT? Or is there a central plus province VAT?

What if the central VAT and province VAT are levied separately or levied together?
What is the standard VAT rate? What is the special VAT rate?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Vietnam VAT is levied by the central government at a standard rate 10%.

VAT-VN-02 Registration

Question from client:
Which government unit is responsible for the levying of VAT in Vietnam?

The registration of Vietnam’s VAT levy status, that is, the application procedure for VAT certificate number, paper certificate number application? Or online account application? URL?
What is the advance certificate number for applying for a VAT certificate number?
Do I need to use an industrial and commercial certificate electronic card to apply?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Value-added tax in Vietnam is governed by General Department of Taxation.
Vietnam does not have a system for registering VAT online.
Companies must register according to a set form (Form No. 01-DK-TCT) with the tax authorities and must apply for tax registration within 10 working days upon granting business registration certificate.
Companies must register with the local tax office where it is located, except for certain cases, in which the head office is permitted to file a consolidated return and pay VAT.

Within 3 working days from the date of receipt of taxpayers’ registration application, the taxpayer is assigned a tax registration certificate, containing a 10 or 13-digit VAT number which is an identification number used for tax purposes.

VAT-VN-03 WWT Order (OD)

Question from client:
What is the order of Vietnam’s VAT declaration (information flow determines the tax base) and payment (fund flow)?

Pay first and then declare? First declare and then pay? At the same time as the declaration and payment?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Same Period (SP) – Declare and pay at the same time.

VAT-VN-04 Mechanism of Filing (MOF)

Question from client:
What is the return method for Vietnam VAT declaration (information flow determines the tax base)?

Reporting cycle: every month? Every bimonthly? Every season? every half year? Per year?
Electronic filing? Manual filing? Electronic filing and manual filing coexist? If electronic filing is possible: Website URL?

Answer from Evershine RD:

Annual revenue (VND) Filing period Deadline
=< 50 billion Quarter Last day of 1st month of following quarter
> 50billion Monthly 20th of the following month

For paper filing, Form No. 01/GTGT – VAT declaration form.
For e-filing purposes, a taxpayer must take the following steps:
*Register its digital signature on the tax authority’s website
*Install the software necessary for tax filing
*Register for electronic tax filing and
*Register the types of tax declaration that are required to fulfill its tax obligations.

VAT-VN-05 Mechanism of Payment (MOP)

Question from client:
What is the funding method for Vietnam VAT payment (funds flow)?

Payment cycle: M per month? B every bimonthly? Q every season? H every six months? A every year?
Automatically authorize deduction of ACH (that is, take the initiative of the recipient)?
Electronic remittance to EFT (that is, the payer takes the initiative)?
OCT payment at the bank counter?
Or the above methods coexist?

Answer from Evershine RD:
As of December 1, 2015, the Ministry of Finance has instructed commercial banks to cease accepting over-the-counter tax payments from taxpayers for all types of tax payments, except for internet system failure and to work with tax agencies to implement online tax payment systems.
If the taxpayer pays VAT directly to the State Treasury, the State Treasury must issue a confirmation note to the taxpayer for the paid VAT.
If the taxpayer pays VAT to or using a tax office, bank, credit institution or the agent of a tax office, these institutions must also issue a confirmation note to the taxpayer.

VAT Online payment – using the e-portal of the General Department of Taxation or various other online methods. Eg: Internet banking, ATM, Home Banking or Short Message Service.

Please be aware of below Warning:
The above contents are digested by Evershine R&D  and Education Center in October 2021.
Regulations might be changed as time goes forward and different scenarios will adopt different options.
Before choosing options, please contact us or consult with your trusted professionals in this area.

Contact Us

Ho-Chi-Minh Evershine BPO Service Limited Corp.
Contact us by WeChat or Skype or Whatsapp in the day-work-time of Vietnam  (GMT+8)
The Engaging Manager from Headquarter
Ms. Judy Wang, CPA(Taiwan) Speaks both English and Vietnamese.
WeChat: Judy_Evershine
skype: Judy Wang

For  how to exchange data files between your Finance Accounting System and Evershine  Cloud Accounting  Information System,
please send an email to
Dale Chen, Principal Partner/CPA in Taiwan+Vietnam+UK will be accountable to your case.
LinkedIn address:Dale Chen

Additional Information

Evershine CPAs Firm Headquarters
6th Floor 378 Chang Chun Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan ROC
Partner Kerry Chen,  USA Graduate School and a well-English speaker
Tel No.: +886-2-27170515 ext. 105
Mobile: +886-939357000
Skype: oklahomekerry

Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Headquarter, Taipei, Xiamen, Beijing, Shanghai, Shanghai,
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Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
(version: 2024/07)
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