越南勞動管理諮詢服務 sgn4tw

越南勞動管理諮詢服務 sgn4tw

越南僱傭合約:定期,不定期; 越南員工福利:員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償;越南資遣員工:預告期 ,遣散費,失業保險。

聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104

Vietnam Hiring

20.10. 越南僱傭合約Employment Contracts —

(注意:自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起,將只有兩種類型的勞動合同:最長 36 個月的固定期限合同,和無限期合同。)

An employment contract must be in writing with a copy for the employer and the employee.
The contract may be made orally only if the job is temporary—with a term of three months or less—or if the employee is hired as a domestic servant.
The contract must include descriptions of the job, work hours, break time, salary, place of work, length of the contract, workplace hygiene and safety, and social insurance terms.
A contract may be valid for an indefinite term, for one to three years, or for a seasonal job or a specific job to be carried out in less than one year.
(Note: Effective Jan. 1, 2021, there will be only two types of labor contracts: definite term contracts up to 36 months in length and indefinite term contracts.)
Employers must conduct a self-review of their compliance with employment law at least once a year.

20.90. Reference Citations —

Employment Contracts: Labor Code 2012, arts. 15-18;
Labor Code 2019, art. 20
Restrictions on Hiring: Labor Code 2012, arts. 161-163
Recordkeeping: Labor Code 2012, arts. 152, 161


70.10. 越南休假Vacation —


  • 在正常條件下工作的人為 12 天,
  • 從事危險或危險工作或在生活條件惡劣的地方工作,或未滿 18 歲的人為 14 天,以及
  • 從事特別危險或危險的工作或在生活條件惡劣的地方,從事危險工作的人員為 16 天。

雇主的年假天數每增加 5 年增加 1 天。為雇主工作不到一年的僱員,按僱傭期限按比例休假。

An employee is entitled to annual leave with full pay after one year with an employer, as follows:

  • 12 days for a person working in normal conditions,
  • 14 days for a person working in a hazardous or dangerous job or in a place with harsh living conditions or for a person under 18 years of age, and
  • 16 days for a person working in an especially hazardous or dangerous job or in a hazardous or dangerous job located in a place with harsh living conditions.

The number of days of annual leave increases at the rate of one for every additional five years with an employer.
An employee with less than one year with an employer receives leave in proportion to the duration of the employment.
Wages for the leave time are paid in advance.
An employer is entitled to regulate the schedule for annual leaves after consulting with employees and must give prior notice to them.
If the employer agrees, an employee may divide annual leave into several shorter periods.
Employees working in remote areas may combine the leave of two years into a single annual leave.
An employee may choose to receive pay in lieu of taking annual leave.
Employees whose employment is being terminated are entitled to pay for unused leave.

70.20. 越南假期Holidays —

以下 10 天公共假期員工有權休全薪:

  • 1 月 1 日:元旦
  • 農曆新年:五天
  • 3 月 10 日:雄王紀念日
  • 4 月 30 日:勝利日
  • 5 月 1 日:國際勞動節
  • 9 月 2 日:國慶節

需要在公共假期工作的員工,有權獲得正常工資的 300%。

Employees are entitled to the following 10 public holidays with full pay: • Jan. 1: New Year’s Day • Lunar New Year Festival: five days • March 10: Hung Kings Commemoration Day • April 30: Victory Day • May 1: International Labor Day • Sept. 2: National Day
Foreign citizens working in Vietnam are entitled to one day of their country’s National Day (if any) and one traditional public holiday in addition to the ten public holidays stipulated by law.
If a holiday falls on a day that is normally not a workday, the following day is allowed as leave.
Employees who are required to work on a public holiday are entitled to 300 percent of their usual wages.

70.30. 越南產假Maternity Leave —

休假結束後,如果員工沒有完全康復,她可以額外休 5 到 10 天的假期,如果在家康復,她可以獲得最低工資的25%,

越南僱員的產假福利按工資的 100% 支付,最高為基本工資的 20 倍。
懷孕員工流產、流產或死產,胎兒未滿1個月可休假10天,1-3個月可休20天,3個月可休40天到 6 個月大,如果超過 6 個月大,則為 50 天。
收養不到 6 個月嬰兒的受保婦女也可領取生育津貼。
婦女在嬰兒滿 6 個月前可獲得產假補助金,以及相當於每個孩子兩個月最低工資的一次性付款。

雇主不得指派懷孕七個月或七個月以上,或孩子不滿 12 個月的婦女加班,上夜班或出差。
女性僱員的嬰兒不滿 12 個月,有權每天休息 60 分鐘進行哺乳。

During pregnancy, a female employee is entitled to five days’ paid leave for prenatal checkups, five two-day paid absences if the medical facility is distant or the employee has an ailment.
A woman is entitled to six months of paid maternity leave, no more than two months of which can be taken before the child is born.
If the employee gives birth to two or more children, she is entitled to another 30 days of leave for each additional child.
After the end of the leave, if the employee has not fully recovered, she may take five to 10 days of additional leave with a benefit of 25 percent of the minimum wage if she recovers at home or 40 percent of the minimum if she rehabilitates at a rest home.
She may take additional unpaid leave if her employer agrees.
After the employee returns from the statutory childbirth leave and any unpaid leave, her job is guaranteed.

The employee may return to work before the end of maternity leave if she has taken at least four months’ leave after childbirth and a doctor certifies in writing that her return to work will not harm her health.
In this situation, the employee will continue to receive maternity benefits in addition to her pay until the end of the maternity leave period.
Maternity benefits for Vietnamese employees are paid at 100 percent of salary up to a maximum of 20 times the base salary.
Maternity leave pay for Vietnamese employees is covered by the social insurance fund. Maternity leave pay for expatriate employees is subject to the agreement between the employer and employee.

If a pregnant employee has a miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth, she is entitled to 10 days of leave if the fetus was less than 1 month old, 20 days if the fetus was 1 to 3 months old, 40 days if the fetus was 3 to 6 months old, and 50 days if it was more than 6 months old.
Maternity benefits are also paid to insured women who adopt a baby less than 6 months in age.
The woman gets the maternity benefit until the baby reaches 6 months old, as well as a lump sum equivalent to two months of the minimum wage for each child.
An employer may not assign a woman who is seven or more months pregnant or who has a child less than 12 months old to overtime or night work hours or to go on distant business trips.

If a woman who does heavy work is pregnant, from the seventh month of her pregnancy onward she must be assigned to a lighter job or have her daily work hours reduced by one hour while continuing to receive full pay.
A female employee with a baby less than 12 months of age is entitled to a break of 60 minutes every day for nursing.
If a doctor determines that continuing to work would harm a pregnant worker’s fetus, the woman can terminate her employment without penalty. The employee is guaranteed her same job upon returning to work after the end of maternity leave.
In the case that the old job no longer exists, the employer must arrange another job for her with a salary equal to her salary before maternity leave.

70.40. 越南陪產假Paternity Leave —

父親有權在分娩後 310 天內休陪產假,具體如下:

  • 5天,如果他的妻子自然分娩;
  • 7 天,如果他的妻子剖腹產;
  • 10 天,如果他的妻子生下雙胞胎(從第三個孩子開始,每個嬰兒額外增加 3 天); 和
  • 14 天,如果他的妻子通過剖腹產生下雙胞胎。

A father is entitled to take paternity leave within 310 days of delivery as follows: • five days, if his wife gives birth naturally; • seven days, if his wife gives birth by caesarean section; • 10 days, if his wife gives birth to twins (plus three additional days for each baby from the third child onwards); and • 14 days, if his wife gives birth to twins by caesarean section.

70.50. 越南病假Sick Leave —

如果受保人的受保就業年限少於 15 年,則該福利等於受保人工資的 75%,最多可支付 30 天,如果受保就業年限為 40 天,如果超過 30 年,則為 60 天。
在這種情況下,如果被保險人的受保就業年限少於 15 年,則福利等於被保險人工資的 100%,在一個日曆年內最多可支付 40 天,如果受保工作年限少於 15 年,則為 50 天,如果更多則為 70 天 超過 30 年。
如果需要延長住院時間,則可以在一個日曆年內支付最多 180 天的全額福利,如果疾病在 180 天后繼續,則福利減少。病假工資由社會保險基金支付。

Sickness benefits are available for illnesses unrelated to work that are not self-inflicted or related to substance abuse.
The benefit is equal to 75 percent of the insured’s wages payable for up to 30 days in a calendar year if the insured has fewer than 15 years of covered employment, 40 days if 15 to 30 years, 60 days if more than 30 years.

The level and duration of the sickness benefit increases if the employee works at a hazardous or arduous job.
In that case, the benefit is equal to 100 percent of the insured’s wages payable for up to 40 days in a calendar year if the insured has fewer than 15 years of covered employment, 50 days if 15 to 30 years, and 70 days if more than 30 years.
If prolonged hospitalization is needed, full benefits can be paid for up to 180 days in a calendar year with reduced benefits if the illness continues after 180 days. Sick pay is covered by the social insurance fund.

其他休假Other Leave —


Bereavement leave. Employees are entitled to three days’ leave for the death of a spouse, child, parent, or parent of a spouse; they may take one day of unpaid leave upon the death of a grandparent or sibling.
Personal leave. Employees are entitled to three days’ leave with full pay to get married and one day’s leave for the marriage of a child; they may take one day of unpaid leave for the marriage of a parent or sibling.
An employee may take unpaid leave for any reason if the employer agrees.

70.60. 越南養老金和社會保障Pensions and Social Security —

員工和雇主對系統的貢獻取決於福利計劃。用於計算社會保險繳費的最高工資是最低工資的 20 倍。
如果僱員從事季節性或臨時性工作,或者為少於 10 名僱員的雇主工作,雇主必須在工資中包括社會保險津貼,以便僱員可以參加他或她選擇的社會保險計劃。

病童津貼:女僱員在一個日曆年內最多可獲得 20 天的工資的 75%,以照顧 3 歲以下的病童,3 至 7 歲的病童則為 15 天。

養老金:領取養老金的年齡是:• 60 歲(男性)或55 歲(女性),至少有20 年的社會保險繳款;• 50 歲(男性和女性),至少有 20 年的貢獻,包括在煤礦工作至少 15 年;• 55 歲(男性)或 50 歲(女性)至少有 20 年的供款,包括至少 15 年在危險或艱苦的工作條件下或在某些地理區域工作,或在 4 月之前在南越或寮國工作 10 年,1975年8月30日或1989年8月31日之前的柬埔寨;• 50 歲(男性)或 45 歲(女性),有 20 年的供款,並且由衛生部醫療委員會評估的殘疾程度至少為 61%;

  • 無年齡要求,供款年限為 20 年,包括在極其危險或艱苦的工作條件下工作 15 年,以及由衛生部醫療委員會評估的殘疾程度至少為 61%。必須從工作中退休才有資格獲得福利。

殘疾補助金:殘疾補助金支付給任何年齡的永久性完全或部分殘疾且經評估的殘疾程度至少為 61% 的人。由衛生部醫療委員會評估殘疾程度。

Vietnam’s social insurance system covers all private- and public-sector employees with employment contracts of at least three months.
The system provides benefits for employees for sickness, occupational injuries and disease, pregnancy, retirement, and death.
Employee and employer contributions to the system vary depending on the benefit program.
The maximum wage used for calculating contributions to social insurance is 20 times the minimum wage.
If the employee works at a seasonal or temporary job or for an employer with fewer than 10 employees, the employer must include a social insurance allowance in the salary so the employee can join a social insurance scheme of his or her choice.

Sick child benefit: A female employee may receive 75 percent of her wages for up to 20 days in a calendar year to care for a sick child younger than age 3, 15 days for a sick child between the ages of 3 and 7.

Old age pension: The ages for pension eligibility are:• age 60 (men) or age 55 (women) with at least 20 years of social insurance contributions; • age 50 (men and women) with at least 20 years of contributions including at least 15 years of employment in coal mines; • age 55 (men) or age 50 (women) with at least 20 years of contributions including at least 15 years of employment in hazardous or arduous working conditions or in certain geographic regions or with 10 years of work in South Vietnam or Laos before April 30, 1975, or Cambodia before Aug. 31, 1989; • age 50 (men) or age 45 (women) with 20 years of contributions and a degree of disability of at least 61 percent as assessed by a Ministry of Health medical board; or • no age requirement with 20 years of contributions including 15 years in extremely hazardous or arduous working conditions and a degree of disability of at least 61 percent as assessed by a Ministry of Health medical board.
Retirement from employment is required to be eligible for benefits.

Disability grant: A disability grant is paid to a person with a permanent total or partial disability at any age with an assessed degree of disability of at least 61 percent.
A Ministry of Health medical board assesses the degree of disability.

70.70. 越南勞動賠償金Workers’ Compensation —

確定失去 5% 至 30% 的收入能力的員工將獲得一次性補助,而那些失去至少 31% 的收入能力的員工則獲得每月福利。
員工的親屬在符合條件的情況下,除了獲得遺屬津貼外,還可以一次性獲得每月最低工資的 36 倍。

All employees with employment contracts for a job lasting at least three months are covered by workers’ compensation.
There is no minimum qualifying period to receive benefits for a work injury or an occupational disease.
A list of occupational diseases is published by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs after consultation with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the nation’s central trade union, and representatives of employers.
After a permanent disability is assessed by a Ministry of Health medical board, benefits are paid according to the percentage of disability and number of years the worker has paid into the social insurance system.
Workers determined to have lost 5 to 30 percent of earning capacity get a lump sum, while those who have lost at least 31 percent of their earning capacity get a monthly benefit.
If the insured dies in a workplace accident or from an occupational disease or during initial medical treatment for an accident or disease, the worker’s relatives are entitled to a lump sum of 36 times the monthly minimum wage in addition to survivors’ benefits if they are eligible.

70.90. Reference Citations —

Vacation: Labor Code 2012, arts. 111-114
Holidays: Labor Code 2012, arts. 97, 115
Maternity Leave: Labor Code 2012, arts. 155-157;
Law on Social Insurance, 2014, art. 34
Paternity Leave: Law on Social Insurance, 2014, art. 34
Sick Leave: Social Insurance Law, Arts. 22-23
Other Leave: Labor Code 2012, art. 116
Pensions and Social Security: Social Insurance Law, Arts. 24, 50-54, 63 to 66
Workers’ Compensation: Social Insurance Law, Arts. 39-47

100. 越南終止僱用Termination

100.10. 越南雇主終止僱用Termination by Employer —

如果僱員一直未能履行工作職責;或在規定的期限後仍未從疾病或事故中康復;或有盜竊、侵占、洩露商業、技術秘密等嚴重損害用人單位利益的行為;或無正當理由缺勤一個月 5 天或一年 20 天。
除因犯罪行為、重犯或多次缺勤而被解僱外,用人單位必須在解僱無固定期限勞動合同的僱員前,至少提前 45 天發出通知。

  • 員工始終未能履行工作職責;
  • 員工在治療六個月(固定期限勞動合同)、合同期限一半(臨時勞動合同)或治療十二個月(固定勞動合同)後仍未從疾病或事故中康復合同),但在這種情況下,員工可能會被考慮簽訂新合同;
  • 員工有盜竊、挪用公款、洩露業務或技術秘密等行為,嚴重損害企業財產或其他利益的行為;
  • 僱員因調任新工作而受到紀律處分,並在紀律處分期間犯下新的罪行;
  • 員工無正當理由缺勤一個月5 天或一年20 天;
  • 自然災害、火災或其他特殊情況迫使雇主縮減生產規模並減少勞動力;要么
  • 業務關閉。 (自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起,解僱員工的新理由包括達到退休年齡、無正當理由連續五天未上班、在招聘過程中不誠實或提供虛假信息。)

除因犯罪行為、重犯或多次缺勤而被解僱外,用人單位必須至少提前 45 天通知根據無固定期限勞動合同工作的僱員,對於期限從 1 個月起的勞動合同,至少提前30天通知。

雇主的同意。除非企業終止運營,否則雇主不得因女性僱員結婚、懷孕、休產假或照顧未滿 12 個月的孩子而解僱該僱員。

An employer may dismiss an employee if the employee consistently fails to perform the duties of the job; has not recovered from an illness or accident after a prescribed period; has committed theft or embezzlement, disclosed business or technological secrets, or committed another act that causes serious damage to the interests of the employer; or is absent from work without a valid excuse for five days in a month or 20 days in a year.
Valid grounds for termination also include closure or contraction of the business.
Except for dismissals due to criminal conduct, repeat offenses, or repeated absences, an employer must give at least 45 days’ notice before terminating an employee working under a labor contract without a definite term.

An employer may dismiss an employee if: • the employee consistently fails to perform the duties of the job; • the employee has not recovered from an illness or accident after six months’ treatment (under a fixed-term labor contract), one-half of the contract term (under a casual labor contract) or 12 months’ treatment (under a regular labor contract), although in this case the employee may be considered for a new contract; • the employee has committed theft or embezzlement, disclosed business or technological secrets, or committed another act that causes serious damage to property or other interests of the business; • the employee was disciplined by being transferred to a new job and commits a new offense during the period of the discipline;• the employee is absent from work without a valid excuse for five days in a month or 20 days in a year; • natural disasters, fires, or other extraordinary circumstances force the employer to scale down production and reduce its labor force; or • the business closes.
(Effective Jan. 1 2021, new grounds for terminating employees include when they reach retirement age, fail to show up for work for five consecutive days without a legitimate reason, and are dishonest or provide false information during the recruitment process.)

Except for dismissals due to criminal conduct, repeat offenses, or repeated absences, an employer must give at least 45 days’ notice to an employee working under a labor contract without a definite term, at least 30 days for labor contracts with terms ranging from one year to three years, and at least three days for labor contracts for seasonal jobs or specific jobs that do not last more than one year.
An employer is not allowed to unilaterally terminate an employee’s labor contract if the employee is under medical treatment due to sickness, a workplace accident, or an occupational disease or if the employee is on annual leave, personal leave, or any other leave taken with the employer’s consent.
An employer may not dismiss a female employee due to marriage or pregnancy or if she is on maternity leave or is caring for her child under 12 months of age unless the business terminates its operations.
If an employer is found to have improperly dismissed an employee, the employer must reinstate the employee and pay back wages plus at least two months’ salary.
If the employee does not want to return to work, the employer must pay back wages, the two months’ salary, and one month’s wages for every year of service.

員工終止僱用Termination by Employee —

根據無固定期限勞動合同工作的僱員,必須在離職前至少提前 45 天通知雇主。

  • 員工未按合同規定的時間全額支付或未支付,
  • 員工受到虐待或遭受性騷擾或強迫勞動,
  • 員工或員工家屬遇到困難導致員工無法履行勞動合同,
  • 僱員被選為政府職位,
  • 僱員懷孕,必須在醫療專業人員的指導下離職,或
  • 員工在接受治療 90 天(固定期限勞動合同)、合同期限四分之一(臨時勞動合同)或治療 12 個月(定期勞動合同)後仍未從疾病或事故中康復。(勞動合同)。

在這種情況下,合同期限為一到三年的員工必須提前 30 天通知。
An employee who is working under a labor contract without a definite term must give the employer at least 45 days’ notice before leaving the job.
An employee working under a labor contract for a seasonal job or specific task lasting less than one year or in a job lasting from one to three years is entitled to unilaterally terminate the contract with three days’ notice in the following circumstances:

  • the employee is not assigned to the job or the workplace specified in the contract or otherwise not assured of the conditions of work agreed to,
  • the employee is not paid fully or not paid at the time stipulated in the contract,
  • the employee is maltreated or subjected to sexual harassment or forced labor,
  • the employee or employee’s family encounters difficulties that cause the employee not to be able to fulfill the labor contract,
  • the employee is elected to a post in government,
  • the employee is pregnant and must leave her job at the instruction of a medical professional, or
  • the employee has not recovered from an illness or accident after 90 days’ treatment (under a fixed-term labor contract), one-quarter of the contract term (under a casual labor contract), or 12 months’ treatment (under a regular labor contract).

For seasonal workers, only three days’ notice is required if they terminate the contract because of family difficulties or election to a government position.
Workers with contracts lasting one to three years must give 30 days’ notice under these circumstances.
If the employee is found to have improperly terminated his or her own employment, the employee shall not receive any severance allowance and must pay the employer a half-month’s salary.

100.20. 越南工廠關閉和大規模裁員Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —

如果需要大規模裁員,雇主必須提前 30 天通知當地工會和勞工辦公室。

If a business restructuring, technological change, or economic recession causes a worker to lose a job, the employer has a duty to retrain the employee and assign him or her to a new job.
If no new job exists or can be created and the worker must be dismissed, the employer must pay the worker one month’s salary for every year of service with a minimum of two months’ salary.
If a mass layoff is necessary, the employer must give prior notice of 30 days to the local trade union and labor office.

100.30. 越南終止僱用合約資遣Payment on Termination —


Upon lawful termination of a labor contract with an employee who has worked for the company for a year or more, the employer must pay severance of one half of one month’s salary for every year of service.
The redundancy allowance that is only applicable in cases of retrenchment is one month’s salary for each year of employment, but at least two months’ salary.
The employer also must compensate the employee for any outstanding wages, unused annual leave, or bonus owed to the employee.
Periods of probation, apprenticeship, and job practicing do not count towards total length of service for purposes of calculating severance payment.

100.40. 越南失業保險Unemployment Insurance —

員工和雇主各向失業保險基金繳納員工月工資的 1%,最高限額為最低工資的 20 倍。
要獲得此福利,員工必須簽訂無限期或 12 個月至 36 個月的僱傭合同。
失業救濟金的金額相當於過去六個月就業平均工資的 60%。

Workers and employers each contribute 1 percent of the workers’ monthly salary up to a limit of 20 times the minimum wage to the unemployment insurance fund.
Employers must start paying for unemployment insurance if they have employees with contracts of at least three months.
To qualify for this benefit, the worker must have an employment contract with an indefinite term or a term of 12 months to 36 months.
In addition, the worker must have at least 12 months of unemployment insurance contributions during the 24 months prior to the job loss or the expiration of an employment contract and be unable to find a new job within 15 days following the end or cancellation of the contract and after registering with a labor agency.
The amount of the unemployment benefit corresponds to 60 percent of the average salary during the last six months of employment.
The length of time a person can receive benefits depends on how many contributions to the insurance fund were made.

100.90. Reference Citations —

Termination by Employer: Labor Code 2012, arts. 38, 126
Termination by Employee: Labor Code 2012, art. 37
Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs: Labor Code 2012, art. 44
Payment on Termination: Labor Code 2012, arts. 48-49

以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。
歡迎電郵: vn.labor.rd.tc@evershinecpa.com

聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104
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